
 Pineapples mean welcome, that is what my mom always told me. She even glued a small wooden cutout pineapple above the door frame of the doll house my grandfather built. She has glass pineapples around her house and has even begun to grow some in her garden - all signs of welcome. And in her foot steps I have also begun to put pineapples around my house little white salt and pepper shakers in the shape of pineapples (given to me by her), a sign I painted on pallet wood that looks more like grilled meat than a pineapple (an artist I am not) and many pineapple plants in various stages of growing around my yard; all echoing the cry of my heart welcome. 

I want you to feel welcome here. I want my home and in turn this space to be an open invitation, to come and enjoy, to find inspiration, to taste of the sweet things in life, to know you are welcome. 

A fun fact (one of many I will share along the way) many see pineapples and think of Hawaii, but I live in South Florida in a place once covered in fields of pineapple. I think it is fitting, Florida is home to many who may not have grown up here but now call it home- a state that welcomes. 


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